Mark Latham is spot on with this article. This is what we are all about a viable alternative Government that will look after the people NOT destroy the country
The parties are over — they don’t have a clue
Mark Latham, The Daily Telegraph January 8, 2018
I Believe in the wisdom of shopping malls. Especially at this time of year, with people moving around the country on holidays, you can always find someone interesting to talk to. Two days before Christmas, travelling north, I was at the David Jones store in Tuggerah (trying to find my wife a present to match her beauty) when I ran into a woman, a young mother, who used to live out my way, at Camden in South-West Sydney. She said she had moved to the Central Coast because of overpopulation on Sydney’s fringe — a common complaint.
“If you are going to have to live with congestion”, she insisted, “you might as well be near the beach.”
Hang on, the South-West has Simmo’s Beach at Ingleburn and the stunning Menangle sands of the Nepean River.
What more do you need? My DJ’s buddy had a better reason for moving house: she had evacuated her children from a government safe school.
“We’ve found a really good private school up here, without all the gender stuff in the classroom”, she said.
“At Camden my son in kindergarten was being read books where the prince dresses up as a girl.
“Whenever the teacher was out of the room, the boy sitting next to him, who has two mothers, tried to kiss him on the lips. My son was six years old, so how can anyone put up with that garbage?”
The circumstances were appalling, but it was refreshing to hear from a parent taking a close interest in her children’s education and then acting to protect them from gender fluidity madness.
She had another good reason for moving schools and suburbs.
She had grown up with the principal of the government primary school and had a lowly opinion of him. “He was a ladies man when I knew him, and not very bright, so the idea of him being in charge of a place teaching wacky sex lessons to kindergarten kids was dreadful”, she explained. “We’re better off up here with a school that has values consistent with ours.” This tough Tiger Mum went on to outline her dislike of political correctness, the nanny state and high taxes. She was my kind of gal.
She’s also indicative of a growing political phenomenon in Australia: an underground movement of people who hate the intrusiveness of big government and cultural Marxism and are organising their lives to escape from it.They know that Labor and the Greens are a lost cause and the Liberal/National Parties have been ineffective in stopping the leftist takeover of institutions. They know the best way of dealing with the problem is to get their children into better schools, leaving the dangerously PC public system behind. They know, as their kids get older, they have to teach them strength and resilience, ignoring the snowflake safe-space culture of Australian universities. evening party wears with sleeves
They also know, in their own workplace arrangements, they are likely to encounter “diversity” and “unconscious bias” propaganda, and this too needs to be ignored.
As record numbers of Australians abandon support for the two major parties, the underground movement is gathering strength.
If their income levels allow it, people are withdrawing from the public sector, disenchanted with modern politics and the institutions it fosters.
These are hard working and community-minded citizens looking for a better life elsewhere, maximising their time in the private sector and civil society.
The prevailing mood is to say: for the big taxes we pay, we want government to quietly support us, not try to dominate our views and values.
The role of government in Australia has never been so removed from the lives Australians actually want to live. What are the political consequences of this new subterranean group? For starters, they have made election results more unpredictable.
Opinion polling has become less accurate, as disillusioned middle class voters refuse to engage with pollsters in any reliable way.
This is why, around the world in recent years, there have been so many unexpected election outcomes.
The “hidden voter” effect has left pollsters red-faced.
Another consequence is political volatility. If, against the odds, the underground movement finds a credible, appealing candidate — someone willing to disrupt the system and attack the establishment — it can create a surge in electoral support. If parties of the Left won’t represent them and parties of the Right won’t fight for them, the underground will vote for insurgent alternatives. This is what happened with the Trump backlash in the United States, an earthquake from which the global elites are still trying to recover.
Australia is no different.
Outside the Canberra bubble, there is a growing constituency, an angry political army waiting to be mobilised. When Tony Blair’s New Labour was trying to win British elections in the 1990s, it developed the concept of Essex Man — the typical, upwardly mobile swinging voter to whom they needed to appeal.
Essex Man was decisive in determining the country’s political direction. I see Tuggerah Woman as our equivalent: the forgotten voter who has left the orbit of the two-party system.
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten are yet to meet her, or understand the values and priorities that drive her.
But have no doubt: her time will come in disrupting the political world in which they operate.