Update on Smitty he cried literally all night so hard to listen too. I was able to give him pain pill this morning. He whimpers here and there. But much better than last night. He ate his pill in a piece of Hebrew hotdog, ate some smashed up baby bell cheese but wants nothing to do with dog food yet. He is much better this morning. We are waiting for pain bill to kick in because I still have antibiotics and anti inflation meds to give him. We will try some chicken baby food later. He drank water by himself and asked twice to go out and go potty. So for one day he is doing as well as expected. Thanks to ALL of you for your prayers well wishes and positive thinking it was so mice and it helped both myself and him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring. I was going to post a video of when he came home hoping people will listen to their Vet and have their pets teeth cleaned if they need it. I just didn't know how bad it is for them it caused him to have heart murmur and even had bone loss to his sinuses. I did not post it because it is just too hard to listen to and I don't want to upset anyone. It is mostly small dogs that really have teeth problems but all dogs can. Please listen to your vet. If you can see plaque on his teeth the vet is right. Hope this helps someone and their pet/family member. Thank you all again for being the kind souls that you are. Love ya vicki ivory colored items to wear of the prom