Not many left at good ol community hospital who remember sylvia sawyer,but I found this in with a buncha junk and I know you can all relate. THis is for you , kid!
We know that you're excited that you're gonna move away
and while we are just delighted for ya, we think it's safe to say
that tho' texas is a big ol' state and it's warmth may feel like bliss, we wouldn't hesitate to say we bet there's stuff you'll miss.
Like what???
well, like givin baths at 3am cuz days were just too busy
and there's nothing you hate more to see than the A TEAM in a tizzy..or like piercing screams that cut the night as Jody gives Ron his daily fright, an' like ky jelly on the phone, and my bad jokes that make you groan. like answering calls of "nurse, help me I dropped my kleenex right there..see? and while you're here please raise my head...oops I think I pooped the bed" And writing up those variance reports for incidents of many sorts..from the bedside commode pinchin someone's thigh to nose drops put in someone's eye, like proppin' doors with magazines so you can have a puff an' hikin clear to bfe for candy bars and such. Like 3 moms back in LDR and the OB nurse is YOU, ER call backs and crash cart checks when there's nothing else to do..An' deciphering Doc's orders...what the heck is JOC? helpin transfer that new patient who weighs at least 370, like movin' patients-beds and all during tornado season, a schedule that can make you bawl...and if you need MORE reasons, how about Susan's mouth short wears in white
and joleens "toots" and weirdos in ER an' 20 degree mornings and no one to start your car.Potlucks for your birthday,code blues when Grove's on call. SO many things about this place.
But what you'll miss most of all...IS US! And we will miss you too!